aaynet is a global communication network for the Holy Qur'an community, which An ambition to achieve charity by spreading the learning and teaching of the Holy Quran.
Among the great abundance of social media that held people's thinking,
The idea of aaynet  came as a modern means of communication with the latest technologies, bringing together a constellation of specialists and researchers and the beneficiaries; To form a Quranic society that elevates the message of heaven to fulfill utility throughout the globe by teaching, learning and spreading the Quran, light of Allah pervades to the whole world.
The largest global social media network specialized in learning and teaching the Holy Quran.
our message
Constructing societies to live with Holy Quran by learning, and teaching it, understanding, and management it, to be as faith and behavior in their dealing; by modern means, qualitative methods, and attractive and creative ideas.
our values
  • Maximize the Holy Quran.
  • Trust and document everything related to the Holy Quran.
  • Commitment to values and ethics.
  • Creativity and development.
  • Enhanced integration among members.
  • Build talent and skills.
  • Prudence in the dissemination of knowledge.
1 - Contribute to the creation of a society live with Holy Quran in their studying and working.
2 - Linking the Holy Quran owners and lovers together; to become easy sharing the Knowledge.
3 - Facilitate learning and teaching the Holy Quran to all Quran lovers and all knowledge seekers, by multiple languages.
  1. Taking care of all the sciences and arts related to the Holy Quran; whether concerning indoctrination, recitation and memorization, or jurisprudence and management, or drawing and calligraphy.
5 - Building talent and creativity in all areas of the Quran and dissemination; such as good sounds, calligraphy and decoration, and manuscript science.
6 - Define the truth of Islam through the Quran, which is a certain net and pure stream, and show the comprehensiveness of Islam, mercy, and justice.
  • Education: through the promotion of content in the field of the Quran and its sciences (recitations, scientific production, interpretation and meditation, translations ...).
  • Learning: Making the Holy Quran accessible to all by the easiest and most common means.
  • Technical Innovation: Providing renewable innovative means to serve the Holy Quran and its Sciences.
  • Creativity and talent: caring for talents in the fields of the Quran and its sciences, such as the talents of mastering the preservation of the Quran with its various readings, dewy sounds, calligraphy, drawing and decoration, and the realization of manuscripts of the Quran, among others.
  • Web site.
  • Applications of phones and smart devices.
  • Educational platforms; audio, read, and visual.
  • Various real and virtual events: (conferences, courses, workshops, workshops, competitions...).
Due to the sensitivity of the field of specialization of the Network - the Holy Quran and its Sciences - and to prevent the provision of contrary content, the categories of membership in the network are divided into:
  • Specialist Membership:
aaynet allows the specialist to be a member after verifying his personality through reliable verification methods, Has right to create groups in its discipline where content is published directly, and is characterized as multimedia (visual, audio, read).
The specialized member can record sessions (daily cases) and invite other specialists to participate in the network.
  • Associate Membership:
aaynet allows the participating member to follow any specialist in any of the areas of the Quranic areas in the aaynet , allowing him to access and vote, watch and listen, comment, discussion, share the publications of specialists through various means of publishing and communication,
 like the publication, correspondence and benefit from specialized members, and benefit them, and correspondence All members, according to the number of participants, their quality and specialization, according to certain criteria, the active member according to his specialty is promoted to a specialized membership.
The participating member may record sessions (daily cases) and invite others to participate in the aaynet .
Stunning style for a great message:
What is the new that aaynet  will offer?
Through the latest social media interactive and participatory technologies, keep abreast of all new.
aaynet network springs to attract social media attendees; to form a community living in the Quran education and learning, In-depth in all the sciences and the arts of the Quran ; to be the first and only global network specialized in The Holy Quran, simulates the best methods of communication, services, ease of publication, and the means of interaction, and direct, and continuity, and the allocation of interests, and filtered according to the wishes of the user, compatible with all computers and smart phones.
Network Content:
aaynet method adopts the approach of social networking or open sources of information that allows members to add, edit and benefit from the content.
In addition, this method aims to promote the content of the Quran through the contributions of members, whether it was recorded recitations, or pictorial, or scientific content in the field of interpretation and reflections, or in any art of the Holy Quran, in Arabic or other languages that achieve the global network, its expansion and spread.
After growing content over time and inflation is purified and categorized, and then presented through various media, and advanced research mechanisms; to be renewed content linking the lives of contemporary people, problems and issues with the Quran , according to a modern language nearby people understand, and affect them.
Basic Services:
aaynet provides all services that meet the needs and aspirations of the beneficiary; through the inventory and evaluation of social media services, and the amount of need, with continuous development based on feedback in the beneficiaries' evaluations, and teams in the management of the network of experts and consultants, the services which available to all members such as :
- Follow-up to members.
- Like publications.
- Re-posts within aaynet .
- Post posts outside aaynet .
- Comment on posts.
- Messaging members.
- Search engine.
- Notifications and alerts.
- Settings and preferences to customize what suits the user.
- Timeline by follow-up memberships.
- Publishing under the tag (TAJ), assigning the title of the participation and a tag for classification and tabulation.
Messages and notifications:
By setting the member to his own settings, he can take advantage of the message and notifications service as he wishes, such as the daily rose service from the network (Such as determining the duration of the completion of the Quran to receive daily messages specifying the required amount, and place in the aaynet  Quran),
In addition, the service of the Quran stranger (to know the meanings of the vocabulary), As well as the reasons for the descent, and stories of the Quran, the verse and interpretation, the commandments of the Quran, topics of the Quran, his practices and gifts, and other services provided by the aaynet .